Yes Loans' philosophy is simple. They aim to provide a fast and efficient service to their clients and enable them to make informed choices in relation to their finance needs.
They're dedicated to providing a fast and efficient service that won’t waste your time. If you need finance for a new or used car, boat, caravan, truck or motorbike, Yes Loans has you covered.
If you’ve had credit problems in the past, they’ll still strive to get you the finance you need, at the most competitive rate.
To visually get this message across to the public takes a lot of vision and creativity, and that's what Imagination Media has in abundance.
We came up with the concept for a series of television commercials, with the aim to also have them converted to radio ads once completed.
We needed to feature the main areas that people would need finance for to tell them that Yes Loans can help them achieve their dreams.
4 scripts were created to cover the automotive, travel, debt consolidation and wedding areas of personal finance.
As well as the concepts and scripts, we were entrusted with the full production, including casting actors, directing, on-site visual and audio production, post-production and editing.
We also took care of Commercial Advice approval to get it ready for broadcast and also complete delivery to the television and radio stations.
This campaign was a great chance for us to flex our creative muscles and come up with something unique.
View the completed television and radio commercials below and judge for yourself.